Our last day in Dublin started with packing suitcases and worrying a bit whether all the shopped souvenirs would fit in it. Spoiler alert – they did.
After storing our luggage we left the hostel for a last visit to the city. Some tried an original Irish breakfast, other bought very last souvenirs. We thought about visiting the famous Book of Kells and the Trinity Library but both the very high entrance fee and the very long queue changed our minds. So we filled the morning with a walk around Trinity campus and around Christ Church Cathedral before we picking up our luggage and taking the Aircoach to the airport.
So we finally said goodbye to Dublin at 5.30 p.m. in broad sunshine. When taking off we took a last look at Ireland, realising once more why it is often called “The Land of Green“ or “The Emerald Isle“.
After a smooth flight a coach took us home to Damme.
It was a very nice trip, we gained a lot of cultural knowledge, new friends and the realisation that some students‘ English might not be as bad as thought.
Argentinier besuchen Dammer Schüler
Gymnasium nimmt an Austauschprogramm teil / Bis Ende Januar sind die fünf Jugendlichen zu Gast Zum zweiten Mal seit dem Schuljahr 2018/19 hat das Dammer Gymnasium junge Argentinier im Rahmen eines Schüleraustauschs zu Besuch. Ian Weizel und Franco Figuero sowie drei...