Day 4 – Noone left behind in prison

1. September 2023Allgemein, Bildungsangebote, Europaschule, Schulleben

Our fourth day in Dublin started a bit more relaxed, many students used their free time to explore the city a bit more and do some souvenir shopping. There is a wide range of souvenirs offered here – most of them very green and/or shamrock-formed.

After lunch we walked to the famous Kilmainham Gaol, a former prison that witnessed important episodes in Irish history. For example the leaders of the famous Easter Rising from 1916 were arrested and executed there. Even though the revolution failed, it was the spark that later led to Ireland’s independence in 1922. Moreover, Ireland‘s and also Europe‘s first female cabinet minister, Constance Markievicz, was imprisoned there for fighting for Irish independence. Prisoners could even get married in Kilmainham Gaol‘s chapel. Interesting enough, the last German imprisoned there was a male teacher – for being drunk. Luckily, none of us had to stay behind in prison.

In the evening we celebrated our last evening here in Dublin by having dinner in the famous Hard Rock Café in Temple Bar.

Last but not least – today was actually the first day that we had a bit of rain – for about half an hour. The good weather might be what is called “luck of the Irish“ here.


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